Korean War Vets: Win a Free Trip to Washington

From the National Website:

As we recognize the 60th anniversary of the beginning of the Korean War this year, VFW has some special plans for our members who served there in 1950-53.

A few projects we’ve already undertaken include: creating certificates to formally and individually recognize their service; donating $25,000 to the Truman Library in Independence, Mo., to sponsor an exhibit honoring them, as well as providing copies of the June/July 2010 special Korean War-issue of VFW magazine; and reprinting the VFW-produced book Battles of the Korean War.

Our Korean War vets also will be honored at VFW’s national convention in Indianapolis this year with a chance to win a free trip to Washington, D.C.

During this convention, we encourage all our Korean War vets who served in the war zone from 1950-53 to stop by the VFW Emblem and Supply department booth and enter their names for a chance to spend Veterans Day in the nation’s capital.

We will select four winners—one (plus their spouse or guest) from each of VFW’s conferences. In addition to airfare and lodging in Washington from Nov. 10-12, the winners also will be treated to a dinner on Nov. 10 and be guests at ceremonies at Arlington National Cemetery and the Korean War Veterans Memorial on Nov. 11. Winners will be announced at the Business Session on Wednesday morning during the convention.

All our Korean War vet members who attend the convention this year will receive special recognition, and we want to make sure all attendees know their status as Korean War veterans. Their official name badges will include a special recognition ribbon identifying them as such. Attendees will notice signs publicizing these special ribbons, so make sure all Korean War veterans are aware of this.

Take a moment to acknowledge their service and thank them for their contributions.