As you may or may not know, our officer elections for the Post are tomorrow. While we have almost every position filled with nominees, one of the most vital positions – Quartermaster – doesn’t have any nominees.
Scott Stoneburner has been our Quartermaster for the past two years, stepping into the job “temporarily” to fill the void when we needed someone. He has done an incredible job and really helped turn the Post around. But he has a full-time job, and the demands of the Quartermaster position are significant – although Scott has cut down drastically on the time needed by organizing and stream-lining much of the operation, there’s still a lot of work to do. And trying to do those duties AND work full-time (not to mention have a family life!) is extremely difficult. Scott has done it, but now needs to step down and get back to his family (and taking care of his home, his animals, his – I don’t know, he’s a Marine – probably has to take care of his boots and rifles, too).
We desperately need a regular member to step up to fill the role of Quartermaster. It’s not an easy job, but Scott will be there to provide guidance and help you get settled into the position. Likewise, I fill the role of Assistant Quartermaster for now, and will also help you get settled in (although I need to get back to my boots and rifles wife, too!).
Ideally, if there’s a member who is good with numbers and is retired, this is a perfect role for you. It requires about 15 hours a week, and yes, there is some computer usage involved, but that part is pretty straight-forward for anyone that’s managed an office/accounting before. Again, Scott and I will both be there to help you get up to speed and will continue to help you when you need it.
Our elections are during the monthly meeting TOMORROW NIGHT, April 24th at 6:30pm! Even if you can’t fill the position, PLEASE come to the meeting – our post is one of the largest posts in the state, and it’s ridiculous that we only have the same dozen members there every month. GET INVOLVED!
If you’re a social member, please pass this on to any regular members you may know!
Also – while some people have enjoy my cooking I’ve been doing Monday nights, it’s become too difficult to keep this up with my job (and life!), so I’ll no longer be cooking Monday nights at the Post. It was fun while it lasted, and I appreciate everyone that showed up for it. If anyone wants any of the recipes I served, feel free to shoot me an email – most of them came from Pinterest, and I’d be glad to share!